Sunday, April 24, 2016


 Water by Deepa Metha

The film is set in 1938 India, where the country is still under English rule. The presence of Mahatma Gandhi is just beginning to surface on the horizon, but the winds of change are starting to appear. The focus of the film is on the plight of widows who are cast out of society, because once a husband dies even if only in name, the wife loses half her identity. She is no longer considered of any value.

Yet Chuyia who is the catalyst for this film is only a mere child. She is eight years old,but already a widow without having had a childhood, let alone a womanhood, and now she is condemned to widowhood, which is to live a living death. An old man that she was married to without having realized that she was married to,  or to even have understood what that meant has now died.  She is sent off by her father to live in an Ashram of cast-off widows. We learn that widows are deprived of everything enjoyable in life , even something as a simple as a fried sweet. There is a very old woman in the ashram who is fixated on these sweets and talks constantly about them. Maybe it is only easier to focus on one deprivation than all the others but it is clear that everyone is miserable, including the fat head widow, who rules the roost and has privileges such as extra food and butter, that no one else has. But later on,  Chuyia with her generous and joyful nature procures some coins from begging which is one of the ways that the widows earn their keep, and Chuyia buys the old woman a laddu ( a fried sweet) from a street vendor,and brings it back to her. It is one of the loveliest moments in the film  to see the pure elation on the old woman’s face as she marvels at the miracle of this laddu, and greedily devours it while Chuyia watches her from behind a curtain with genuine happiness in watching the woman have a single moment of pure bliss in her otherwise wretched existence. 

Why are widows treated this way?It is in the holy scriptures, that is the common reason given for this barbaric treatment of these women. Narayan, one of the few enlightened male humans in the film says, and I paraphrase here -- that the real reason that this happens to widows is not because of religion as is commonly stated, even by the widows themselves-- but that real reason is evil in its most banal sense, particularly because it is simply a pragmatic approach to the problem of how to get rid of people that are now considered to be a burden. Again ,this seems to be a common theme of humans no matter what religion they believe in. It boils down to one less mouth to feed, four less saris, an empty spot in the corner as Narayan wisely concludes. 

It is hard for me as a cat, to comprehend the complexity of human religions. And even harder to understand, how humans can use religion to manipulate other humans, so that it benefits only a handful, and is most harmful to the rest. It is most particularly  harmful to the poor, the vulnerable , and oftentimes in certain cultures, in addition it is mostly women and children who suffer the most. It is of most benefit to those in power, namely men oftentimes just to satisfy their lustful desires.  And then on top it all , there is always the never ending cycle of animal abuse on every level, animals for food, animal sacrifice , animals for clothing, for work, everything to satisfy the needs of the insatiable human race for more and more power , justified in the name of religion. The only exception being Buddhism, that is why I can identify with being a Buddhist. They don't kill goats to please an unnamed God. In fact there is no God in Buddhism. Even the Buddha himself never referred to himself as any type of God, or anointed one.  He said he was a philosopher or an enlightened human being.

Narayan is from a well off family, they are of the Brahmin class,referred to as the gentry. They enjoy a privileged life of luxury , and protection from rules that seem to apply to others, but not to them. Narayan is an attorney to be, who has just passed his law exams, but in his heart , he believes that Gandhi speaks the truth, and he is influenced by Gandhi's thinking. He is intrigued by the idea of passive resistance, and freedom. The gentry and the widows are only separated by a mere boat ride across the Ganges river. Kalyani is a pretty widow who lives in the Ashram, she has been allowed to keep her long flowing hair, while all the others have been shaved bald by scissors and a razor scraped against their scalps including the child , Chuyia. It turns out that she has been pimped out across the river by the fat widow who runs the ashram,as another source of income for them. She someone rationalizes this  just as she rationalizes all her unfair and irrational behavior according to her whims. Sometimes in the name of religion when it suits her, and sometimes not , when it doesn't . 

Narayan falls in love with Kalyani after meeting her by accident after he helps Chuyia catch her puppy that they have been keeping secretly in the Ashram . He wants to marry Kalyani , but widows are not allowed to remarry, and things do not end well for Kalyani, despite the fact that Narayan would have married her despite his family's objections. And it is Narayan who winds up saving Chuyia as she is thrust onto a train heading out of the holy city of Varanasi , the same train that Mahatma Gandhi and his followers are on.

I must confess,as I have stated repeatedly, I just don't understand humans. It is hard from my vantage point to understand their ways. However this film has moved me in a way to understand that humans are not all the same, as perhaps I might have thought before my human consciousness. I saw them only in the broadest of strokes, and in terms of being only good or only evil.Now I understand that there is a long spectrum between the good and evil ones, and most reside somewhere in the middle, but still there are quite a few on either one of  extreme sides , similar to a bell curve graph. 

Chuyia does everything possible to remain optimistic, and full of spirit, despite the unbearable circumstances she has been throw into up her ultimate betrayal by the evil head of the Ashram. There is also another woman in the ashram who is caring. Her name is Shakuntala. She rescues Chuyia by taking her away from the Ashram after she has been turned into a prostitute, and brings her to a gathering near the train station where Gandhi is speaking in front of a crowd and then gets onto a train.  Shakuntala chases the train, pleading for someone to take Chuyia to give to Gandhi, where she believes the child will be protected and watched over. No one responds, but than it turns out that Narayan is on that very same train to follow Gandhi. He is leaving his pampered life behind because he can no longer tolerate the disgusting hypocrisy  that members of his own class abide by. 

 Shakuntala literally tosses Chuyia into Naranyan's arms as the train is moving out of the station in the hopes that she will have a better life than the miserable one she was slated to. Shakuntala has risked a lot to do this for Chuyia, it would have been easier just to look the other way as the other widows did, not to worry about what happened to Chuyia. But Shakuntala too have been moved by the winds of change. She has been forced to question her own faith, the faith that she has worked so hard to maintain, even though her faith is what has kept her downtrodden for so long. It is only when she begins to look towards truth, that she becomes brave. 

 Gandhi himself says at the meeting before he departs with his followers on the train, and I paraphrase here as well, that  he used to believe in God first, and then the truth, but now he believes in in truth first and then God. 

I hope one day we too will have our own Gandhi. A Gandhi for cats that maybe will be one of our own. Again, one can only hope, and maybe pray to an unknown God. But I believe now that Gandhi's way is best . I will pray to the truth first , and then to a God , if indeed there is one. 


Xoxo, Coco

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Cats R Us

Hey Everyone ,

I'm back . Hope you didn't miss me too much, but I couldn't write for the last couple of days. It's been the dogs days of Spring here in Florida and our A.C was on the fritz. With my beautiful, yet extremely heavy fur coat, I am like a Siberian Husky living at the border of the equator. And I don't do heat well, I need A.C to survive. Anyway, Thank God, it finally got fixed. I do live in Florida as I said, so April in Florida is not exactly April in Paris, it's more like hanging out on a NYC subway platform  in late August. 

But I did manage to venture out with D. to our local Walmart, which is where we buy my food most of the time. But as you know if you've been reading my blog, cat treats are one of my pet peeves. Cats are big business. Have you ever checked the cat food aisles at any Walmart, or any grocery store for that matter, not even mentioning a Pet Super-center store like Pet Smart? Now I'm not complaining , mind you, I'm just stating a fact.We are big money makers for the companies that make cat food, cat treats, cat toys, pretty much anything they can sell to gullible humans, who think we need all this crap. We make plenty of money for these stores, and we have humans pretty well trained to stand in the aisle debating about what to buy for us. Have you ever noticed that dog people don't obsess as much about what to buy their dog companion for dinner. At least I don't see as much aisle blocking going on in the dog food aisle section at Walmart like I do in the cat food aisle. In the cat food aisle, there are usually a few carts parked blocking impatient customers trying to get by,while these humans are debating back and forth , sometimes talking inside their own heads like our friend in the photo above, or sometimes aloud , muttering to a random stranger about their cat companion's current food preferences. With a look of confusion, the human states the brand name and type of food, e.g. Fancy Feast Chunky Chicken, which was once the cat's meow, that food that was once delicious, is now sniffed at ,and even worse ignored. But the caveat here is that, this will only happen once we know that our human companion will go out of their way to satisfy our latest changes in appetite,or our sudden new cravings for something  different.( BTW, Let's keep this just between you and me,shall we? I don't want to feel like a traitor to my own kind, but I am letting you in on a little secret here that is not usually shared with humans.) Dogs in general are not as fussy, though far be it for me to be an expert on my canine brothers and sisters. Let me rephrase that, they don't seem to be as fussy as we are, and even the humans that live with dogs seem like a whole other species than the humans who live with cats.  And this isn't just my opinion, or some sort of cockamamie theory. It's based on scientific studies. You know those statisticians who get paid to figure out those kind of things, that's what they research and study, amazing isn't it? 

So anyway, our friend here looks pretty much like a regular dude. I snapped his photo rather discreetly on D.'s phone, without him noticing, or even her for that matter. I just took it out of her purse. (Let's just keep this little secret between you and me also, please.) But I did want to give you an illustration of what I am talking about, so to speak. Here is a real life scenario in which you have a human male thinking about what tantalizing treat to buy in hopes of trying to please his feline friend. Now at first glance, he looks to be more of a dog companion kind of human, in general there seem be to be more dog human companions that are male, and cat human companions that are female, but of course this is a gross generalization. And cat male companions on the surface tend to look a little different than this guy, but appearances can be deceiving.But in general, I tend to see more women in the cat food aisles.  However this particular guy appears to be a happy convert to our side . And there's something I like about this guy, because despite appearances, he is being thoughtful to think of buying a gift, so to speak, for his cat/cats as the case may be. I say gift, because any human knows that treats are not an essential part of the feline diet. Perhaps he thinks of it as dessert, a snack, a reward of some kind.  Maybe he's giving them to his dog, for all I know. Now that was catty, my apologies, it was a slip of the tongue. But the only problem here is that what's he buying is the equivalent of buying a supersized case of potato chips. Just look at that enormous sized container of Temptation treats he's buying. Even the name says it all; Temptation, Temptation, Temptation. Ooooh, yeah, baby. I will give in to the Temptation. 

And this seems like a guy with a big heart , and by the looks of him , he probably has a predilection for empty calorie treats himself, so in essence he's buying something for his cat that he would consider a equally pleasurable experience for himself. Now how sweet is that? Awww. And although I'm sure his cat appreciates his efforts in trying to please him or her, as it may be ,what this very sweet guy is not aware of it, is that he is setting a precedent for addiction, and the early onset of human based diseases that as a species we never developed until we started living with you folks, and took on your eating habits.Again, not that we aren't grateful, but remember a captive cat doesn't get to make his or her food choices.

 So without trying to sound like Michelle Obama on steroids, it is something worth thinking about it, because it is important, if you want to save money on Vet bills, and have us live healthier longer lives. You have to feed healthier food to your cats, and none of that junky Treat nonsense. It is crack cocaine to us. It is addictive and will kill us, one treat at a time. They are simply bad for us, And while we're at it, lets get some exercise too, come on I know you could use some too. Buy a laser pointer for a couple of bucks, if we're bored enough we'll chase it around. Now I want to to get to a more poignant subject, this is the real news that has been going on all over the world for the last couple of days. I'm still reeling from the shock of it.  

 Even if you didn't know who Prince was, and maybe you were living under a rock somewhere, or like John Kasich, when asked, about Prince's untimely death, pathetically tried to fudge some sort of passable answer,--although it would have been better if he just kept his mouth shut, because it was so obvious that he just couldn't care less--mostly everyone has heard about Prince's passing. And I know I have really nothing of consequence to add to all that has been said already, what else could one possibly add? But just so you know, cats have an affinity with artists, all kinds, and particularly musicians, we do enjoy music. And Prince's parents were both Jazz musicians, and Jazz musicians in particular refer to each other as cats, because cats are cool. I'm really sorry to see him go, but I guess it was his time for whatever reason. Who can really understand the mysteries of life and death?  I'm listening to a tribute to Prince on I Heart Radio right now, so he lives on in his music, and still feels very much alive if only in spirit only, and not in the physical way. As I am finishing up today's post, Purple Rain is playing now. It makes me tear up. 

" I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain "

Simply beautiful. So beautiful.

Xoxo, Coco

Wednesday, April 20, 2016



Who is this lovely woman that represents the essence of timeless beauty, and why I am talking about her today? Well her name is Edie, and this picture was taken approximately in the early fifties when she was very young. There is still a timelessness about her , obviously she doesn't look the same today, but she still has a nice smile, and gives good advice when asked, and sometimes when not asked as well. 

The answer about who she is and why I have her on my blog today, is because she talks often to her niece who is my human companion D. 

Although I never met this aunt of hers, I do tend to overhear D's side of the conversation. Apparently they are close, and D. thinks of her as a mother since her own mother passed away when D. was in her twenties. Edie knows that I exist, she accepts that I am a cat, nothing much more than that, nothing more, yet nothing less. In fact she is rather indifferent to me which is fine. I really have no problem with that what so ever. D did mention to her that I am writing a blog. However, Edie has a great deal of trouble with that premise, and believes that in fact I am not writing this blog, but that D. is writing it and for some unfathomable reason, I don't understand why. Why would D. make up such a thing to her aunt, it doesn't make sense. She has even read some of my blog, which I do appreciate it, and she even thinks I write well, but she seems to have a real problem with accepting who I am , and what I am doing. 

So maybe I am doing this in part to let her know, that even if she doesn't believe in me, I still believe in her. Also she seems like an interesting woman, although at the same time, I don't think she really gets the concept that not only do felines experience emotion, attachment , and pain, but that all animals do just the way she does. I hope in time she will come to accept the fact that it is me ,Coco who is writing this, and that even if she doesn't , perhaps she will gain some understanding of other species who roam the earth besides the humans. And that we are too all in this together. I know she has a good heart, and I hope I get to meet her one day. 

Life for humans just seems so complicated , I have to admit , I am glad I am a cat. This ability that I have to now think as a human, has only made me feel so much more upheaval, so many more highs and lows. As a cat I tend to live less in my mind,and more in my body, and am able to experience mindfulness. I don't have that sense of impending doom and perpetual anxiety that I have now with my human consciousness . Before I seemed to just live in the moment and take each day, each hour, each minute as it came , but it was really the moment that I lived in. I took each moment as it came, and I lived in the actual moment. I experienced moment by moment by moment, as they added up into minutes, hours and then days. Now the days are blurred and mixed up. My head is all over the place. I don't feel at peace except when I am jotting down all the muddled thoughts and sensations I have in my brain, which is now way too big for my body. And humans have all these endless distractions, and multitask all the time, no wonder they can't focus on anything for more than a few minutes at a time, and they never seem to be in the time they're in, they're always somewhere else. 

Yes, I am grateful for this insight, and perhaps this came about because at some point in time, without knowing it, I might have wished to experience what a human being experiences. But you know they say, Be careful what you wish for.

And Edie, my friend, whether you know it or now, you in someways are more like a cat, because you take things as they come, and deal with them in the present. You try not to live in the past or the future, but live in the now. I wonder if maybe when I was given human consciousness, perhaps you were given a small dose of cat consciousness. But again, I can only wonder.

And to everyone else, as always. I wish you well, and if you have been reading my blogs, I appreciate it, and hope that they touch you in some way.



Tuesday, April 19, 2016

La Vie En Rose

Bonjour Mes Amis, Encore,

I was feeling oh so French today, and have for you today a classic French song which I'm sure you all have heard at one time or another, I know I have, although I'm not sure if it is was in this lifetime, or another one. But this adaptation of La Vie en Rose is sung by a more contemporary French - American Chanteuse rather than Edith Piaf, who is most
often associated with this song. As you can see, her name is Madeleine Peyrou. And I might say,I think her rendition is equally as impressive , only in a different sort of way. So I hope you will enjoy it as I go on with my daily musings about quelque choses. It is a beautiful, romantic love song, about how everything is rose colored through her eyes, when her lover takes her in his arms. Oh, how romantic! Quelle Surperbe!

Even though I have never experienced love in the same sense as humans do, now that I have this gift of human consciousness, I think it is something I wish to experience. But how? Zat is ze problem, as a French person speaking English would say . My options are quite limited especially now. In my younger days, I did give birth to a litter of kittens. That memory has come back to me, and it is very painful, because my kittens were taken away from me after such a short time, and then I don't remember much after that. I do know I had an operation so I could not get pregnant again, which was just as well, if I was never going to be able to keep my offspring. Now this is something I did not have a decision in whatsoever. My freedom to choose or not choose was taken from me. My feelings are ambivalent on the subject. On the whole, I do think with the problem of overpopulation in the feline community,it is a good idea. There are so many unwanted cats living on the streets, in feral colonies, and they do not last for very long out there. It is a brutal struggle on a daily basis just to survive. They often get killed off either by cars, disease ,or  by humans who will eradicate them without a second thought, just because they consider them to be a nuisance. 

And in my case, I did not have the consciousness at the time I became pregnant that I have now. I was not really able to intellectualize what was happening to me at the time. I just remember it as a hazy sensation, a sensation of feeling a lot of emotional and physical pain,separation, and loss. I can only hope that my dear babies, that I never saw even once after they were taken from me , went into good homes,and have had a good life thus far. That is the best I can hope for, and I say a little prayer for them each day, even though I am not a religious cat , by nature. But I feel it can't hurt , just in case there is a God, I don't want to miss out. So I guess this way, my butt is covered in just in case there is a God up there listening to prayers, and making decisions based upon those prayers. Which I doubt, but just in case, better to be safe than sorry. 

So as far as romance goes, there was never really any to speak of. The father of my kittens, I don't remember him at all, just vaguely. He was not romantic in the least. It was not a Vie en Rose kind of affair. There was very little effort on his part. He courted me for a brief while, and then Mother Nature just took over. I just went with my urges. And then it was over, and I felt the stirrings inside of me , as new life took form, and it was a lovely feeling, and I enjoyed the first stages of motherhood during, and after the time that they ventured out into the world. But as I said , it was short lived, and it makes me so sad to think I never got to know them.

Who in God's name could I have a romantic relationship with even if I wanted to ? The male cats my age, are rather fragile, and not very masculine. They act more like lapdogs, not appealing in the least. And yes I could consort with a younger male, but then it would serve no further purpose than lust, and besides, without my equipment fully intact, I wouldn't attract a non-neutered male, he would only be looking for a female giving off the fertility scent. So thus, the conundrum. I suppose I can just live vicariously in the realm of imagined love. It would be nice to have a great love affair, an affair to remember kind of love forever. But I have given up hope of ever finding that one great love. And I suppose I  am content to live through imagining it, and writing about it, perhaps that is even better than experiencing it. It seems that humans are often disappointed in love once they find it, and those great passions wear off faster than the few minutes it took to take my kittens away from me forever. 

I realize I am ambivalent about practically everything and everyone in my life. Comme ci, comme ça. And that is just the the way it goes.


Xoxo, Coco

Monday, April 18, 2016

I Enjoy Being a Girl

       Bonjour Mes Amis,
Today we have a little treat. This is a video from an old movie that I absolutely love. If I could go into human form right at this instant, this is the girl I would want to be. Nothing wrong with being smart and pretty. Why can't a girl have it all? Anyway, I provided this for entertainment value, and also because I like watching it, and I wish I could sing and dance as well as she does. But then again, I am writing a blog, and I don't know that she could do this.Well she's probably dead by now anyway, or 100 and something human years old,  and living in a nursing home, which is what you humans do with your old folks when they're too feeble to take care of themselves, and you can't be bothered with them anymore. Which makes me think; Hmmmm? Maybe there's a theme here, animals, and old people, may sometimes be a bit too much for humans to handle so what do they do,  they handle it by dumping them somewhere. Problem solved.  Good thing they have places to dump them, otherwise God knows what would happen? One can only wonder. 

Well, I did plan on trying to  keep things on the lighter side today, and just focus on my fun , frivolous self, so let's not think about those dreadful things anymore that I just mentioned ,lets just have some fun, shall we? And I have a new pic of me which you get to see even before you get to watch this fun clip from the movie: The Flower Drum Song. Look at my pic while you're watching the video, and you will be amazed at the likeness between the girl and me. 
I'm too sexy for my scarf

You do see the similarities between us, don't you? Now again, I realize I have a little weight problem, but again so do a lot of other American girls, as well as felines these days. And don't get me wrong, I have been watching my weight, eating much less of that kibble crap. D has been cutting down on my daily allotments so it's been a bit of a struggle really. She never buys treats for me or Caleb, but that's because she says that why her other cat had diabetes, and she had to give him insulin for nine years, and learned the hard way, about why us felines should not be eating treats, and dry food. So I do eat mostly wet cat food, but some of those holistic brands,-- I tell you,  I don't know why they add such ridiculous things like carrots, and spinach,and even cranberries . Do I look like a bunny rabbit to you? But I am addicted to that dry, pebbly carbo laden crap that I've been inhaling down now for most of my life. And I must say, it is hard to change at this age. You can't teach an old cat new tricks, right,so they say!  And I did tell you I'm almost ten, right? -- which means I'm rather up there in years, but that certainly doesn't mean I'm dead yet, so while I am trying to make the most of this life, and because I do believe in reincarnation, I know that I'll be back one way or another-- another chance at getting it right. But in the meantime, I am just trying to stay healthy, and get some exercise, even if it is just for a few seconds a day in the back yard, pretending that I am a hunter, chasing baby lizards. 

Honestly, I think that I look pretty hot in the photo above, it brings out my wild side, grrrrrh, if I must say so myself. So that's why even though I am older, and somewhat plump, I think I would make a great plus sized feline model. You only see the skinny ones on the cat food bags but come on, statistically we represent about forty percent of the cats that live with humans population. Let's get real, folks. 

Anyway, signing off for now.

Enjoy the video.

Xoxo Coco

Sunday, April 17, 2016

Me and My Harvey McGee

Hi Everyone, 

I want to introduce you to a friend of mine, he's a very cool dude. His name is Harvey McGee. And when I first met him , I immediately thought of this song sung by the most incomparable Janis Joplin. If you substitute the word Harvey for Bobby, and sing along to the lyrics , it describes my Harvey to a tee. Now Harvey is a free spirit. He doesn't belong to or live with any humans, yet he interacts daily with them. He is an amazing panhandler. This photo was taken at his favorite panhandling spot,right in front of a McDonald's . Now of course he doesn't get money, nor does he need it , or care about it. But give him some left over fries, a hunk of a soggy bun drenched in a packet of McDonald's tartar sauce, and even better if he gets lucky --a piece of  fish fillet sandwich chucked right at him. In his mind, what could be better than that?

Best thing about Harvey as I said he's a free spirit, he's as free as they come. He's taught me a lot of about survival, and about preparation for survival,  not that I would ever need to , but just in case, he wants me to be prepared. He's into that whole  survivalism thing , he has some sort of an apocalyptic vision of humans blowing up the whole world which probably really isn't too far from the truth considering what's going on in the world today. Humans, humph.  I think he's picked it up from listening to some of these radio talk show fanatics who talk about filling up their basements with bottled water and canned food, and beef jerky  for the time when it happens. Not if , mind you but when. He's totally convinced it's going to happen,maybe not in my lifetime or his, but definitely sometime in the near future.  He tells me repeatedly that I should not be so wholly dependent on a human, and that if something should happen to my human,and because of and in spite of my experience with shelter life, he does not want me to ever have to go back to that type of life again. He thinks that  hanging out with him in front of McDonald's would be way better than a shelter.He may have a point there, but I don't think it will ever come to that. I'm pretty content where I'm at but Harvey says, life is always full of change, and in that sense he's a true Buddhist.He knows the ebbs and tides of life, and that nothing is permanent, no matter how much we may wish it so.

I gotta make it short today. D has been procrastinating again with her novel, and asked me to wait to post today until after she has at least worked a couple of hours on her book. She's in the editing stage right now, and seems to be very bogged down with the whole affair. And we share a laptop, so I said I would wait until she was finished.  But then she started futzing around, and having  a couple of cups of coffee, so I asked if I could use the laptop first, and she said okay, but now all of a sudden she's giving  me that tick -tock motion thing humans do with their finger tapping on the opposite hand's finger, and making this really annoying tapping sound with her tongue against her teeth. So I gotta go, I mean she does pay the rent, although I feel like I do contribute in my own way with my gracious company and all of that, but I do feel some pressure to earn my keep,-- it's kind of a passive-aggressive  thing going on with her and that whole money issue thing. So to get her off my back I'm hoping this blogging thing might lead to some stream of income, although I don't know quite how's and what's at this point. So I'll finish up here,and be on my way, so she can start her writing, although I know she'll find some other way to procrastinate some more. Now she has me as a good excuse saying that I am on the computer so much, taking time away from her completing her novel. Which by the way, she's already  spent four years working on, and God knows when she will be finally done. And to boot, I write so much faster than she does, even considering that as I have said previously it's no easy task for me with paws and all. They haven't come up with a cat friendly computer as of yet. 

So  until tomorrow, then. Tomorrow I want to talk to you guys about my idea of becoming the first plus-sized feline model. I think I might have something going on with that , if I can bring it to fruition. Now that could bring about bokoo bucks.   And BTW, hope you all enjoy the Janis tune. Janis, wow, she was some firecracker, alright, too bad she burnt her fuse so fast. In that way she was more like us cats than a human. She didn't need to stick around until the bitter end, although she did skedaddle way too early.  



Saturday, April 16, 2016

Magical Mystery Tour


I posted this pic of me today , because this is how I feel today. I am feeling a rise in my consciousness level. I hope that some of you who have glanced briefly at my blog will eventually reach out to me. I am looking for communication, that is the aura I am trying to emit out there into the universe. I know this may sound somewhat New Agey , it's not really my natural voice, but as you know they say cats live 9 lives, although I'm not sure really where that came from. Note to self: research topic of where the expression 9 lives comes from. They do make a rather bad cat food called 9 lives, it supposed to be on a par with Friskies, but doesn't even come close. And by the way, I'm not paid nor do I endorse any cat products, although I might be open to it , should an opportunity come along to do so. But I will only endorse products that I like, not simply to be bought off by a corporation.

Now that presents a nice segue into the current political spectrum that you humans are experiencing. I too have been watching this whole spectacle as it unfolds. It seems much more like World Wide Wrestling , than an actual election process. So I think based on what I have said so far, you might suspect that I do support Bernie Sanders. He seems to be the real deal, and probably too honest to be a good politician. That said, I agree with practically all of his positions on issues. I only wish that he would speak up on behalf of us felines, but I do realize that is a tall order for a human leader .

Now in the cat kingdom , we don't have anything at all like your electoral system. It just develops naturally. I don't know that we have a need for it. We tend to live in a more simplified society than you do. I'm not making judgments here, I'm just saying there are things to be said for both ways of life.

So back to my spiritual consciousness--I feel that having been given this opportunity to travel back and forth between human and cat consciousness. In that sense I think I may be a Buddhist, although an actual Buddhist might disagree. My understanding of Buddhism, although it is a very limited understanding, has given me hope in the concept of reincarnation. Going from one body to another life after it is finished on this plane, and then going into another life form afterwards seems like a good plan to maybe get it right. Now I am not saying that I am able to transform my cat body into a human body during this lifetime, and not saying that I would necessarily want to do it, although there might be advantages. I could certainly be able to go about more inconspicuously, especially if I wanted to go venture into the world of human venues.

That might be entertaining. I'm sure I would be accepted rather than talked down to . I don't mean that anyone would be necessarily cruel to me, but I would treated as an inferior of sorts. Yet, if I were to appear in a human form, I would fit right in. But my point is that in having this wider range of understanding and knowledge of how both the cat species thinks, and at the same time an entry point into human consciousness so to speak it allows me to make the next leap in consciousness to assert that there must be a greater connection to all living beings than one would think, at least greater than on a superficial level, at a much deeper, more primal level, than most of us are aware of.

And my final thought for the day, is that I am hoping to gain followers, thus far I have none. I don't know if its the mechanics of this thing, because I myself can't figure it out, but someone out there surely must know how does one get followers. My ultimate goal with this thing as I stated in my initial post, yet it does keep shifting form as to what my actual goal, which is okay, I think, part of the process. I hope to find some connections out there in that big,wide world out there. Whether cat,or human, or even any other species is more than welcome to join me in my magical mystery tour.

Karmically yours,

Xoxo, Coco

Friday, April 15, 2016



All this thinking about stuff, has made me feel a little overwhelmed and sad. Even though my story has turned out well, there is a lot of a sadness in my past. I can't help but wonder from time to time what happened to some of my shelter mates. Especially the ones like me. Did they ever find their "forever homes". Um-mp, I wonder. Somehow I doubt it. I think they went silently and nobly to a quiet, unceremonious death. A death that no one bothered to witness or to care about . Just another lonely, unwanted cat, that someone had not bothered to care enough about in the first place, not wanted enough to keep around when things became inconvenient, just dumped at a shelter , or worse left alone in an empty home. I heard some terrible tales from my shelter mates. I still can't quite account for my lack of remembrance, but maybe I had to forget in order to move on. But it still bothers me that I can't remember a damn thing about my own past. 

Yet, on the other paw, I wouldn't have traded my experiences for any other. Throughout my travails, I have learned compassion, I have learned to be optimistic even during some of my darkest days. Had my life continued on the way it was before the shelter, I would have been just another subdued cat, playing the game, living out my existence waiting for the next can of food to be opened, maybe running to the sound of a bag of treats, that irresistible crackling sound of junky goodness that cats become addicted to . Humans can relate, it is like a bag of Lay's Sour Cream and Onion Chips, or a magical satchel of Hershey's Kisses. Even though I don't remember my existence before the shelter, I have a feeling it was pretty  uneventful up until my time of abandonment. I know I used a cat door, because it was something I was familiar with. D. has a patio door, that for a while had a loose screen panel. I would go out into our little yard pushing myself through the loose screen passageway.  The act of taking a little leap and pushing myself thorough the broken screen, it felt so familiar, and then I remembered at some point, long, long , long ago I had used something similar, but it was a real cat door, not an improvised one.

 I have an adopted brother named Caleb, he's a rescue from the County Animal Services, he got out and disappeared for a week a few months ago. He hadn't really disappeared but he was  just lurking around, scared out of his wits, hiding underneath the back of a house, one street over from the back of our house, that had an open section , where the wood was rotting away. And  he just stayed there the whole time, staying hidden inside all sorts of  nooks and crannies. Then suddenly the whole screen part of the door, which was my door to the back yard, became suddenly closed off with a sheet of vinyl and massive amounts of duck tape. D. made sure Caleb didn't get anywhere that door after that. If he ever got out again, he would just go berserk and freak out again and go running off and then hide. I go out as I please, but I don't go anywhere. I just sit in the little disheveled yard, or on the little concrete entrance way to my front door. She knows I won't go anywhere. That's why she lets me go out when I want to. Although I don't like the idea of being controlled by a human, we've adapted to one another. I do believe she cares about me , and will take care of me until the end. 

Caleb told me about his little adventure when she finally got him back on her search and rescue mission. D. went crazy looking for him non-stop, night and day, she would run out in the street all sorts of crazy hours crying  Caleb, Caleb, Caleb over and over again. I didn't speak to him for a good week at least once he was back. Of course he tried to pull it off like nothing had happened, but I didn't fall for that funny business. I was angry at him for his stupidity, and for acting like such a fool, and not having the balls to get out of his hiding place and come home . I mean he is a lot younger than me, he's only two,  and he's kind of dumb. I mean he's sweet and all, but he just doesn't understand the ways of the world yet, even though he was taken in off the streets by Animal Control. D. adopted him at the County Animal Services, which makes the SPCA, where I lived for a while look like the Hilton. That place was packed full of non-stop crazed barking dogs. I don't know how Caleb survived it, but he's just one of those cats that goes with the flow, and lets everything roll off his back. He is somewhat needy though, and always wanting to be petted either by me or D.  I won't groom him, but I allow him to groom me as it should be. I show him that I am the Superior Cat here. After-all, I am the first one, well the first since her other two passed away. That is another story for another day. And I hate to admit that sometimes I resort to behaviors that have been genetically transmitted into my being for centuries on end, and yet I have this capacity to think, and to pontificate, and to philosophize which like everything else in my life is both a blessing and a curse.

Anyway, this blogging thing is a lot more exhausting than one would think. 

Xoxo, Coco

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Hello, it's me again.

Hello Everyone,

Well, well, well. It seems like forever since I've been on here last, but my my brain has been dancing in circles the whole time. I don't know even where to begin. But first I'd like to show you a photo that D. took of me last night. I find it quite charming. You'll have to scroll down to the end of the post to see, or if you like, it's worth the wait  Well, I am a bit of a diva, and I do like to dress up from time to time. Not costumes, mind you, like those dreadful Halloween costumes, that some humans who like to them of themselves as feline owners, dress their poor unsuspecting felines in. They are simply the most hideous unflattering, miserably uncomfortable outfits, never intended for a kitty to step a paw into, but humans, oh they so like to be amused by their feline friends. But it is oh so wrong on so many levels. We Felines can never be owned, nor have we ever been or ever will be. However there is nothing wrong with a little embellishment, such as a necklace , a head ribbon or a scarf all to my liking and not uncomfortable in the least. I look dignified, ladylike, and I even pick out my own accessories. So that is a cat of a different color, if I may borrow a cliche normally reserved for another species. 

My story is somewhat lengthy so I will give a brief synopsis, and get into further detail as I create my daily installments. I was once a  regular house cat belonging to a family of sorts, but after that my recollection of what happens lapses off into the nether regions for me. I somehow was abandoned by them, whether intentionally or not, it made me bear ill will towards humans.  I  harbored a great deal of anger about my situation .. I wound up in a shelter, essentially homeless. A dreadful situation for a cat of my bearing to be in. Actually , a dreadful situation for any cat, to find oneself in, regardless of bearing. It is a humiliating, demeaning, and catastrophic situation to find one's self in. 

However there is a light at the end of the tunnel. My story is about how things eventually turned around even though only a short year and half ago in human time, and something like ten years in my time, things were just a mess. I was at my wits end and looking for a way to end my life. Euthanasia was on the table at any rate, if I didn't find a "forever home" as they would say cheerfully to those of us that were unlikely to find a home, let alone a "forever home." Oh you'll find someone who will love you , and take you home. Your forever home. Not!!! Let's face the facts. I wasn't a spring chicken or kitty, again forgive my cross species metaphors, and I was extremely obese through no fault of my own. A terrible diet and no exercise, what's a girl to do? So I would chase away my sorrows at the kibble bar. Even in the shelter there was plenty of that dry tasteless stuff to munch on. My options were limited. And on top of being old and overweight, my disposition changed drastically. I became mean and scary. No one liked me much. I had nothing to look forward to except for the needle, and at one point it seemed like the best option. I actually was looking forward to it, but then things started to turn around. 

 Adieu, my friends. And with loving wishes as always. 

Xoxo, Coco

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

An Introduction of Sorts

Hello World,

I thought I would start with a brief introduction as to who I am and why I am here. I am a cat, yes that is a fact-- I suppose. I live a relatively secluded life as most cats do, and even some humans. I wanted to try and get on board with this whole social media craze. The real reason is I must confess is because I am trying to help my human companion, D. expand her horizons.

But so I digress. Back to beginnings.There will be a lot of time for lengthy explanations. I anticipated doing this to try and explain from a feline perspective the type of bond that I have developed with D. I am sure , she might have a different vantage point on this whole subject, and I am sure that is valid from her point of view. But honestly , how often do you hear the feline point of view? A somewhat rhetorical question, I imagine. And indeed there a lot of stereotypes about us felines, some may be true, in fact as in all stereotypes there is a germ of truth. But I would prefer to focus on my own experience, so that you may understand my actual experience as it has culminated to this day. And my goal is to eventually have other humans as well as other felines who are willing to come forward as I have done, and express any concerns, questions, their own experiences, what have you. Perhaps this could become some sort of message board eventually, an open forum-- so to speak, where felines and humans can come together , and share their experiences.

I am just about tuckered out now. My paws are not adept at typing, so this has taken quite a while, and a bit of energy. I am going to take a cat nap now. But I hope you will find my story of interest, and even if you don't , I will still carry on.

Good wishes to all,
