Wednesday, April 20, 2016



Who is this lovely woman that represents the essence of timeless beauty, and why I am talking about her today? Well her name is Edie, and this picture was taken approximately in the early fifties when she was very young. There is still a timelessness about her , obviously she doesn't look the same today, but she still has a nice smile, and gives good advice when asked, and sometimes when not asked as well. 

The answer about who she is and why I have her on my blog today, is because she talks often to her niece who is my human companion D. 

Although I never met this aunt of hers, I do tend to overhear D's side of the conversation. Apparently they are close, and D. thinks of her as a mother since her own mother passed away when D. was in her twenties. Edie knows that I exist, she accepts that I am a cat, nothing much more than that, nothing more, yet nothing less. In fact she is rather indifferent to me which is fine. I really have no problem with that what so ever. D did mention to her that I am writing a blog. However, Edie has a great deal of trouble with that premise, and believes that in fact I am not writing this blog, but that D. is writing it and for some unfathomable reason, I don't understand why. Why would D. make up such a thing to her aunt, it doesn't make sense. She has even read some of my blog, which I do appreciate it, and she even thinks I write well, but she seems to have a real problem with accepting who I am , and what I am doing. 

So maybe I am doing this in part to let her know, that even if she doesn't believe in me, I still believe in her. Also she seems like an interesting woman, although at the same time, I don't think she really gets the concept that not only do felines experience emotion, attachment , and pain, but that all animals do just the way she does. I hope in time she will come to accept the fact that it is me ,Coco who is writing this, and that even if she doesn't , perhaps she will gain some understanding of other species who roam the earth besides the humans. And that we are too all in this together. I know she has a good heart, and I hope I get to meet her one day. 

Life for humans just seems so complicated , I have to admit , I am glad I am a cat. This ability that I have to now think as a human, has only made me feel so much more upheaval, so many more highs and lows. As a cat I tend to live less in my mind,and more in my body, and am able to experience mindfulness. I don't have that sense of impending doom and perpetual anxiety that I have now with my human consciousness . Before I seemed to just live in the moment and take each day, each hour, each minute as it came , but it was really the moment that I lived in. I took each moment as it came, and I lived in the actual moment. I experienced moment by moment by moment, as they added up into minutes, hours and then days. Now the days are blurred and mixed up. My head is all over the place. I don't feel at peace except when I am jotting down all the muddled thoughts and sensations I have in my brain, which is now way too big for my body. And humans have all these endless distractions, and multitask all the time, no wonder they can't focus on anything for more than a few minutes at a time, and they never seem to be in the time they're in, they're always somewhere else. 

Yes, I am grateful for this insight, and perhaps this came about because at some point in time, without knowing it, I might have wished to experience what a human being experiences. But you know they say, Be careful what you wish for.

And Edie, my friend, whether you know it or now, you in someways are more like a cat, because you take things as they come, and deal with them in the present. You try not to live in the past or the future, but live in the now. I wonder if maybe when I was given human consciousness, perhaps you were given a small dose of cat consciousness. But again, I can only wonder.

And to everyone else, as always. I wish you well, and if you have been reading my blogs, I appreciate it, and hope that they touch you in some way.




  1. Coco, I have read a few of your blog postings and find them to be a rather delightful interruption to the stops and starts ... meanderings of being human. This is indeed the first time I have read a cat's perspective about things and life and humans. I am enjoying it. Keep up the good work, as I said your writing is a pleasant diversion from being the busy lost humans that we tend to be. We can learn a lot from you especially about just being in the moment. It's interesting that you emphasized that because in my own human life, I am practicing the very same thing, trying to be more mindful ... in the moment. Thank you for sharing. D sounds like a very loving owner, take good care of her. I'll be back. P.s. yes coco you are quite stunning!

  2. Hi Coco
    Let me introduce myself
    I am D's cousin in law or something like that
    D has often mentioned you in our conversations
    And you look like a real trendy lady on your blog
    D speaks highly of you and I imagine you are her best friend
    She admires and trusts you like she feels towards her aunt Edie
    Anyway just popping in and out
    Oh if you speak to D before me,which is extremely likely, please ask her if she viewed the video I sent.
    Lovely meeting you
