Saturday, April 23, 2016

Cats R Us

Hey Everyone ,

I'm back . Hope you didn't miss me too much, but I couldn't write for the last couple of days. It's been the dogs days of Spring here in Florida and our A.C was on the fritz. With my beautiful, yet extremely heavy fur coat, I am like a Siberian Husky living at the border of the equator. And I don't do heat well, I need A.C to survive. Anyway, Thank God, it finally got fixed. I do live in Florida as I said, so April in Florida is not exactly April in Paris, it's more like hanging out on a NYC subway platform  in late August. 

But I did manage to venture out with D. to our local Walmart, which is where we buy my food most of the time. But as you know if you've been reading my blog, cat treats are one of my pet peeves. Cats are big business. Have you ever checked the cat food aisles at any Walmart, or any grocery store for that matter, not even mentioning a Pet Super-center store like Pet Smart? Now I'm not complaining , mind you, I'm just stating a fact.We are big money makers for the companies that make cat food, cat treats, cat toys, pretty much anything they can sell to gullible humans, who think we need all this crap. We make plenty of money for these stores, and we have humans pretty well trained to stand in the aisle debating about what to buy for us. Have you ever noticed that dog people don't obsess as much about what to buy their dog companion for dinner. At least I don't see as much aisle blocking going on in the dog food aisle section at Walmart like I do in the cat food aisle. In the cat food aisle, there are usually a few carts parked blocking impatient customers trying to get by,while these humans are debating back and forth , sometimes talking inside their own heads like our friend in the photo above, or sometimes aloud , muttering to a random stranger about their cat companion's current food preferences. With a look of confusion, the human states the brand name and type of food, e.g. Fancy Feast Chunky Chicken, which was once the cat's meow, that food that was once delicious, is now sniffed at ,and even worse ignored. But the caveat here is that, this will only happen once we know that our human companion will go out of their way to satisfy our latest changes in appetite,or our sudden new cravings for something  different.( BTW, Let's keep this just between you and me,shall we? I don't want to feel like a traitor to my own kind, but I am letting you in on a little secret here that is not usually shared with humans.) Dogs in general are not as fussy, though far be it for me to be an expert on my canine brothers and sisters. Let me rephrase that, they don't seem to be as fussy as we are, and even the humans that live with dogs seem like a whole other species than the humans who live with cats.  And this isn't just my opinion, or some sort of cockamamie theory. It's based on scientific studies. You know those statisticians who get paid to figure out those kind of things, that's what they research and study, amazing isn't it? 

So anyway, our friend here looks pretty much like a regular dude. I snapped his photo rather discreetly on D.'s phone, without him noticing, or even her for that matter. I just took it out of her purse. (Let's just keep this little secret between you and me also, please.) But I did want to give you an illustration of what I am talking about, so to speak. Here is a real life scenario in which you have a human male thinking about what tantalizing treat to buy in hopes of trying to please his feline friend. Now at first glance, he looks to be more of a dog companion kind of human, in general there seem be to be more dog human companions that are male, and cat human companions that are female, but of course this is a gross generalization. And cat male companions on the surface tend to look a little different than this guy, but appearances can be deceiving.But in general, I tend to see more women in the cat food aisles.  However this particular guy appears to be a happy convert to our side . And there's something I like about this guy, because despite appearances, he is being thoughtful to think of buying a gift, so to speak, for his cat/cats as the case may be. I say gift, because any human knows that treats are not an essential part of the feline diet. Perhaps he thinks of it as dessert, a snack, a reward of some kind.  Maybe he's giving them to his dog, for all I know. Now that was catty, my apologies, it was a slip of the tongue. But the only problem here is that what's he buying is the equivalent of buying a supersized case of potato chips. Just look at that enormous sized container of Temptation treats he's buying. Even the name says it all; Temptation, Temptation, Temptation. Ooooh, yeah, baby. I will give in to the Temptation. 

And this seems like a guy with a big heart , and by the looks of him , he probably has a predilection for empty calorie treats himself, so in essence he's buying something for his cat that he would consider a equally pleasurable experience for himself. Now how sweet is that? Awww. And although I'm sure his cat appreciates his efforts in trying to please him or her, as it may be ,what this very sweet guy is not aware of it, is that he is setting a precedent for addiction, and the early onset of human based diseases that as a species we never developed until we started living with you folks, and took on your eating habits.Again, not that we aren't grateful, but remember a captive cat doesn't get to make his or her food choices.

 So without trying to sound like Michelle Obama on steroids, it is something worth thinking about it, because it is important, if you want to save money on Vet bills, and have us live healthier longer lives. You have to feed healthier food to your cats, and none of that junky Treat nonsense. It is crack cocaine to us. It is addictive and will kill us, one treat at a time. They are simply bad for us, And while we're at it, lets get some exercise too, come on I know you could use some too. Buy a laser pointer for a couple of bucks, if we're bored enough we'll chase it around. Now I want to to get to a more poignant subject, this is the real news that has been going on all over the world for the last couple of days. I'm still reeling from the shock of it.  

 Even if you didn't know who Prince was, and maybe you were living under a rock somewhere, or like John Kasich, when asked, about Prince's untimely death, pathetically tried to fudge some sort of passable answer,--although it would have been better if he just kept his mouth shut, because it was so obvious that he just couldn't care less--mostly everyone has heard about Prince's passing. And I know I have really nothing of consequence to add to all that has been said already, what else could one possibly add? But just so you know, cats have an affinity with artists, all kinds, and particularly musicians, we do enjoy music. And Prince's parents were both Jazz musicians, and Jazz musicians in particular refer to each other as cats, because cats are cool. I'm really sorry to see him go, but I guess it was his time for whatever reason. Who can really understand the mysteries of life and death?  I'm listening to a tribute to Prince on I Heart Radio right now, so he lives on in his music, and still feels very much alive if only in spirit only, and not in the physical way. As I am finishing up today's post, Purple Rain is playing now. It makes me tear up. 

" I only wanted to see you laughing in the purple rain "

Simply beautiful. So beautiful.

Xoxo, Coco

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